Plinkity Plonk plink 28
CD only - 200 copies
Barcode: 7 53907 98942 7
It has been quiet for Flim, also known as Enrico Wuttke, since his last
release 'Pola Music' and 'Ohne Titel, 1916' (the latter being his
second release on Plinkity Plonk). However he still works as a
designer, and creates music for dance companies and short films, as
well as enjoying family life. His new release is a 28 minute EP with
four pieces he created for a dance piece 'Refugium', based on the novel
'The Wall' by Marlen Haushofer. Originally published in German in 1962
and touted more recently as a feminist's Robinson Crusoe, this somber
classic from prize-winner Haushofer chronicles the experiences of a
(nameless) woman cut off from her familiar city ways in a remote
hunting lodge, after Armageddon has snuffed out all life in the world
beyond. With the woman's diary of activities during the first two years
of isolation as foundation, the story assumes the shape and flavor of a
journal. Saved from instant death by a transparent, apparently
indestructible wall enclosing a substantial area of forest and alpine
meadow, the woman finds relief from her isolation in companionship
offered by a dog, a cat, kittens, and a cow and her calf, making them
into a family that she cares for faithfully and frets over incessantly
with each season's new challenges. Crops of potatoes, beans, and hay
are harvested in sufficient quantity to keep all alive, with deer
providing occasional meat for the table, but the satisfaction of having
survived long winters and a halcyon summer is undone by a second sudden
and equally devastating catastrophe, which triggers the need in her to
tell her story. Although heavy with the repetition of daily chores, the
account is also intensely introspective, probing as deeply into the
psyche of the woman as it does into her world, which circumstances have
placed in a new light. Subtly surreal, by turns claustrophobic and
exhilarating, fixated with almost religious fervor on banal detail,
this is a disturbing yet rewarding tale in which survival and
femininity are strikingly merged.
So the music is circling around Wuttke's definition of a private "Refugium".
Some things about the single tracks:
"Thats All"
I always loved that simple preset sound of a zither on my keyboard for
its chinese, Mahler like sound. When J–rg Follert (Wechsel Garland) was
visiting me and gave me Robert Ashleys "Private Parts" i had the
courage to record this piece.
"Two Hits On A Can"
The first sketches of this track are from 2007. It is very close to the
"Ohne Titel" pieces. There is still this emptyness and sadness of this
time. A more painfull refuge.
This was part of a very long piano improvisation which i recorded in
spring 2008 at the parish hall Loschwitz, where i had a studio for one
year. A very mystic place.
Reiser is a small village near the city where i grow up. In summer it's
a very dry and hot place. I spent a lot of times there when i was a
design by Meeuw
This CD is available for 10 euros including worldwide shipping.
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listen to excerpt