The name says it all. I do like CDRs, and have made a few for various labels. So, why not venture into that again and release some of my own music. My own little label... Just basically simple ideas, notions or unreleased archive material from any of my musical projects. For the covers I wanted something different, so this time they are printed on photopaper, and all the designs are made by Rutger Zuydervelt of Machinefabriek fame, praise to him for this.

My Own Little Label existed from 2007 to 2011, none are available from us anymore. All of these are available digitally here or on all the usual digital platforms.

048 The Tobacconists - Superior Blend
Another Tobbaconsists tour item. Seven previously released compilation tracks from 2010-2012, including a splendid rendition of Peggy Lee's Fever to a pisstake on whitehouse in 'Poor Man's Music'.

047 Y Front - The Final Session
Scott Foust, Rich Labrie, Mike Popvich and Chris Scarpino's first venture in no wave rock music, back in 1981. This is their final session from 20 april 1981 and released as a tour item for The Tobacconists April 2012 tour.

046 Wander
Freek and I rehearsed a bit for the two Russian concerts as Wander, in fact the first concerts as Wander since 2003, and two parts are released as a 3"CDR. It sees quite a change for Wander, which upon until now was all about a single sound source/instrument, but now has expanded in guitar, effects, field recordings, electronics and acoustic sounds. A delicate and warm sound.

045 Frans de Waard - Transport
stereo mix of the four channel installation piece which deals entirely with sounds of the street in front on K21 Kunstraum

Frans de Waard & Keith Fullerton Whitman - The Eve Of The Year
My Own Little Label 044
Business Card CDR
The final five minutes of our collaborative concert at 'First Night', on New Year's Eve 2006, in Boston. A fine finale to a fine concert and what a way to end the year. 

Freiband - Stainless Steel Redux & Finale
My Own Little Label 043
This is a twenty minute companion piece to the LP ini.itu will be releasing at the same time. All works on this LP and this 3" deal with the processed sounds of the Indonesian gamelan, in three entirely different pieces of music. 'Redux & Finale' is the most quiet, almost microsound in approach. Careful de-constructions.

Frans de Waard - Floodlight
My Own Little Label 042
A culmination of two line recordings and one live recording from two recent concerts at Etalage (Nijmegen) and Tape (Arnhem). The assignment was: don't bring your laptop and do something with the BBC Radiophonic workshop in mind. I brought five synthesizers and a cassette. A bit of Emerson Lake & Palmer but without any knive stabbing. Spacious.

Freiband vs The Idealist - Time Lag
My Own Little Label 041
In 2006 The Idealist (Joachim Nordwall) and Freiband (Frans de Waard) met up in studio 4 of the EMS studios in Stockholm and looked at the mighty Bucla machine. Two days were spend on taping sounds from this machine with the prospect of doing a record together. For various reasons this never happened, but the one thing that was finished is now available on 3"CDR. A heavy beast of analogue drone music.

Zebra - j05 50j
My Own Little Label 040
3" CDR
Recently Jos Smolders turned 50 and invited some friends over a beer and cake. Oh and some to play to music, Orphax, Staplerfahrer and Zebra. Since the other two will release their piece on a CDR, Zebra made an edit to fit on a 3" CDR of their festitive piece. Three shure fire hits from their catalogue of meltpop tunes, 'Muesings Are Jest The Start' , 'Dusty Riveval Music' and an as yet untitled piece from what is called the 'Classic' album (to be released some day), but packed up with sound samples from the vast musical career of Jos Smolders. Rather a nice version, for the true fans of all things Zebra. 

Ezdanitoff - We Bring Light
My Own Little Label 039
Wouter Jaspers and Frans de Waard will be on tour again in November and in order to prepare this, they went into the studio, recorded some great music and then decided to something else on the road afterwards. The studio sessions consisted on playing on all the analogue synthesizers there (Moog Prodigy, Korg MS20, Roland Sh 01, Juno 60) and they common theme is love songs, ballads even if you want. They were mixed  afterwards adding some extra material (field recordings, electronics) and doesn't sound at all like the previous release 'Komeet'. For the tour they choose four pre-mixes as a tour item and it will be for sale until 'We Bring Light' is fully mixed and released. Spacious synth songs!

Frans de Waard - Kubus
My Own Little Label 038

Kubus Kassettes, later to be called Kubus Kommunikaties, claimed to be the very first Dutch cassette label. Their first release was a pretty standard sort of rock release, but right then, after that, Kubus started to release experimental music. They were 'different' to other labels, offering a more intellectual approach to what they were doing. Rob Smit, the label boss, had his own vision of the ambient music by Brian Eno: the four way musical universe, consisting of the musical matter, time, space and energy. In his own music, he delayed the playing of a glockenspiel and worked with the studio techniques, however minimal, to change the color of the sound. On this cassette I take his ideas, or perhaps I create covers of his pieces. 'Stemmingen' uses a bow and a glockenspiel, which are layered extensively. 'Slag Werk' uses the same glockenspiel, but played rhythmically. The computer transposes it various ways, in order to create a more gamelan like feel and it uses
extensive layers. 'Terug Gaan' started as a four track recording of glockenspiel, philicordia organ and sound effects, played in an improvised manner. The four track is then played at half the speed, and transferred to the computer, with channel three and four playing backwards. These four tracks are then played simultaneously and totally edited, but no other computer technique was applied. Unfortunately the tape I pulled from the pile to record this one, did survive 'time' very well: the magnetics have come off, and I only noticed this after recording. So in good Brian Eno spirit - honor your mistakes - I decided to go ahead and use this tape, along with the imperfections of the tape. This piece resembles the closest approach to the original Kubus sound.
The first cassette release on My Own Little Label - an edition of 50 copies.

037 Ezdanitoff - Komeet
In 2010 the old and the new meet up, at least. The old, represented by Frans de Waard (Kapotte Muziek, Beequeen, Goem, Zebra, Freiband and god knows what else) joins forces with the twenty years younger peer Wouter Jaspers (Franz Fjodor, 4DaLadiez and Vatican Analog headhoncho). Armed with their skills and tricks of trade (magnetic wave fields, crackle box, sound effects, contact microphones and such like) they went out to play a concert in Budapest and wasted no time while being there. A temporary, battery operated studio in the Hotel Ventura served to tape their works while being there and resulted in 'Komeet', a highly psychedelic electronic sound piece of comets approaching earth. A collison course of cascading sound. 

036 Kapotte Muziek - 25 Greatest Hits
Originally a give away on the Extrapool concert on February 26th as part of the large Kapotte Muziek event. Twenty-five highlights from twenty-five years of Kapotte Muziek, compressed to five minutes and fifty seconds. Shuffle/repeat recommended. Businesscard.

035 Machinefabriek & Freiband - Kilauea
On February 14th 2010 Machinefabriek and Frans de Waard played each a solo concert at Berlin's Rote Salon. Afterwards they played a collaborative concert as Machinefabriek and Freiband. Taking the material from their previous collaboration a bit further, adding new sounds to the whole. 

034 Frans de Waard - My Own Little DJ Mix
This release is part of the German magazine Bad Alchemy 65, for their subscribers only. Copies are also for sale by me. Its basically a mega-mix of various releases on My Own Little Label, multi-layered and quite dense. 

033 No Moll Lonely Nights - My Personal Christmas Album
While transferring old Kapotte Muziek works to my computer I found three tracks from 1989, which I had sent to RRRecords for some Christmas compilation, but which were never released. So I released my own little christmas album this year, with these three tracks, plus a Beequeen piece from 1997 and a Freiband piece from 2001. The cheesy title has been suggested by Freek Kinkelaar.

032 Freiband - Martin - One [Live] Aspect
And of course the recording of that Brussels event which is something entirely different than Moll 031

031 Freiband - Martin - Seven [New] Aspects
Not really new aspects anymore, but a r

e-issue of a 3"CDR originally on Tib Prod and now re-issued on the occasion of a Freiband concert in Brussels on December 11th 2009 that deals with the work with of Martin Hannett. 

030 Freiband/Bass Communion - Headwind/Tailwind
3inchCD (factory pressed)
Last year My Own Little Label released 'Haze Shrapnel', a new piece by Bass Communion and a remix of that by Freiband as a 3"CDR. Already back then it was agreed that there should also be a release by Freiband with a remix by Bass Communion. Due to the immense success of that 3"CDR, the new one is now released as a factory pressed 3"CD. For 'Headwind' Freiband returns to the guitar playing by Martin Luiten (Pick-up, Uw Hyoptheekadvies) and produces a spacious computerized remix of his elaborate playing. Bass Communion takes matters further up the line in a likewise sizzling remix.

029 The Toboccanists - The Route (3"CDR)
Four early versions of material presented by Scott Foust & Frans de Waard. Full multi-track versions will be released later as a LP. That may put this release out of print by then, so get them while they last. 


028 Foust! - Last Morning Rain (3"CDR)
A piece of environmental music/sound by Scott Foust from the Idea Fire Company, Tart, Tobacconists, released for the April 2009 European tour.

027 Frans de Waard - Heerlen Hiss (3"CDR)
Concert from feburay 2009 in Heerlen. In 2008 I composed three pieces for compilations which all deal with the sound of hiss from old cassettes, and some 'field recordings' from faulty cassette mechanisms. Two of those pieces have been released already, on 'Lasting' and 'Tabl For Six', and the third will come later this year on a new UK label. All of the elements of those elements are reconfigured in 'Heerlen Hiss' and the recording is a mixture of a line recording I made myself and a live recording giving to me by Edward Ka-spel. 4 euros. 

026 Freiband - Musik For No Title (3"CDR)
a re-issue of 2003 Freiband piece. It was back then released by Poland's Mik Musik, and part of a series of five (if I am not mistaken) remixes of source material I totally forgot about. Its a seventeen minute piece of laptop music processing.

025 Beequeen - Atem (3"CDR)
the longest piece Beequeen ever submitted to a compilation,'Guru Means Slayer Of Darkness', back in 1996 on Manifold. Its been out of print for quite some time, but both me and Freek think this is a great old, and lost Beequeen piece, so we decided to re-issue it. It was made back when I lived in Den Haag, and uses multiple layers of a ventilator and a heating system. A fine lively drone piece.

024 Frans de Waard - Verval (3"CDR)
A live recording from Extrapool, January 10th 2009. Live sound is being up by three microphones and three cassette players and then fed back into the mix. A slightly edited version.

023 Frans de Waard - Profieldeel Zeven (businesscard CDR)
Soundtrack to the film 'IJzig Vuur' by Jan Kees Helms, for which I return to the material from 'Vijf Profielen'. 

022 Bass Communion/Freiband - Haze Shrapnel (3"CDR)
I have been in contact with Steven Wilson off and on for quite a while. Recentely he wrote me, we traded some CDs and he liked my little enterprise. He had a spare track of 12 minutes and 'if I want to release it'. 'Sorry, and why not do a remix then', as Freiband. Next time roles will be reversed. 

021 Frans de Waard - Untitled (Le poeme d'une vie bien remplie) (3"CDR)
Rutger asked me to play on the same night as he did in Leeuwarden and 'if I could incorporate some text'. I asked Dmitry Vasiljev of Monochrome Vision to speak a short Mayakovsky text, in Russian of course, and this 3" captures the slightly edited concert.

020 Pick-up - From Here To Anywhere (3"CDR)
Pick-up is a new duo of Martin Luiten (Girlfriends, Uw Hypotheek Advies) on guitar and Frans de Waard on laptop. Two gorgeous pieces of digital blues? Well, whatever. Forthcoming is a LP on Important Records and one on Plinkity Plonk.

019 Freiband - Reflection (3"CDR)
Piano sources recorded on boxing day, transformed in the days after with the final mix on new years eye 2007. Moody textured music with a bite. 

018 Beequeen - Long Stones and Circles (3"CDR)
Re-issue of a long out of print classic Beequeen work, based around various text by land artist Richard Long. 

017 Freiband - Capture (3"CDR)
On March 14th 2008 the 2LP 'Audioscoop' was released, with a.o. a track by Kapotte Muziek. At the presentation I did a remix in the style of 'Captured Music' (on Selektion), using a lot of the sound material from the 2LP. This has become 'Capture'. 

016 Peter Duimelinks - Revisie (Heroverwogen) 3"CDR
You obviously remember the split LP that me and Roel Meelkop did for Stichting Mixer (and if you don't: I have some left). Originally it was supposed to be a CD called Kapotte Muziek by Kapotte Muziek, which each of the three members doing a piece of twenty minutes, but as it turned out Mixer didn't like Peter's contribution and it turned out to be a LP. Oh well, too bad, since Peter's piece is quite nice and the purpose of Moll is to release interesting pieces, new and old. So this 2002 piece is finally released, and if I am not mistaken, this is Peter's first ever release with just him. 

015 Howard Stelzer & Frans de Waard - Torn Tongue Volume 2 businesscard CDR
Howie and I have been working for years on various things, which found their origins in a spoken word tape. Volume 0 was part of Kapotte Muziek's 4CDR boxset on Audiobot and Volume 1 was released by Absurd, all ages ago. We planned to work on a volume 2 and I made some sketches for it, but we never got around doing anything with it. Until now. Howie and I returned to the four small sketches and made two new pieces out of that. Probably the world's shortest collaboration. Howie does a great dense tape piece whereas my piece is quite collage like and a bit louder than usual. 

014 Elise de Waard - Geluidjesmuziek businesscard CDR
Of course the temptation couldn't be resisted, and it had to be made: Elise de Waard is probably the world's youngest field recordist, and her first release is all about movement. Recordings of train, machines, boats, belly, balls and voice make this into a lovely little item.

013 Wander businesscard CDR
The shortest Wander release, all computer based. One piece, called 'Wander'. What else do you expect? 

012 Violet & Freiband - Fender Bender (3" CDR)
When I was in Washington I stayed with Jeff Surak of Zeromoon, Sonic Circuits and Violet fame. And someone whom I know for over twenty years now. Previous arrangements never worked out to record, but on September 11th we sat down and record some music, which in edited form is now released here. Zeromoon will release an alternative mix/version/treatment of the material. 

011 Kapotte Muziek: #103: Tilburg (3" CDR)
On Sunday afternoon the 23rd of September 2007 Kapotte Muziek played their very first all acoustic concert on the streets of Tilburg as part of Acoustic Noise which was again part of ZXZW. Highly curious 15 minute concert, and the recordings are likewise curious, with people talking, bikes passing and us playing. 

010 Frans de Waard - Profieldeel Zes (3" CDR)
A remix of my own 'Vijf Profielen' is now part of my live set, whenever I am asked to play under my own name. This recording was made at the Sonic Circuits festival in september 2007. 

009 Radboud Mens & Frans de Waard - Garage Sale (3" CDR)
Radboud and I played an improvised concert at the Garage festival in 2002, which Radboud later mixed, but perhaps we never shopped hard enough for a label. Out of the five finished tracks, I choose three. It shows our interest in minimalist rhythm and a bit of noise. 

008 Freiband & Colin Tudor - Pantones (3" CDR)
Colin was one of the founding members of Zion Train and a regular visit to the Amsteram shop I was once at. He liked experimental music and one day mailed me a bunch of sound material from his solo project Pantonal. I reworked them, but didn't mix it, which I left for Colin to do. He did it, quite nicely, and it has been several years with some label, who didn't go about to release, for whatever reason I don't know. But here it is, missing one mixed track, but hey, I'm only doing 3"s and business cards. Rhythm glitch music, or some such.

007 Frans de Waard - XI (For Christian Nijs) (3" CDR)
About a year ago I learned my first musical partner in Kapotte Muziek commited suicide in 2002, which came as quite a shock. This piece is built of electronic sounds recorded at EMS in Stockholm in December 2006 and various field recordings from my archive, not mixed but set back to back. A sort of 'in memoriam', keeping in mind some of the early day work of Kapotte Muziek. 

006 Freiband - Kapotte Muziek by... (businesscard CDR)
One day I was invited to play a solo concert as Kapotte Muziek, almost to coincide with the twenty years of existence of Kapotte Muziek, in October 2004. The recordings of that concert have been worked through extensively and found, at least for a while, a place in my Freiband set, as a sort of free form improvisation. The final mix on this business card was recently made and is by no means the end of it. 

005 Beequeen - White Bike (businesscard CDR)
Recently Beequeen completed their latest CD 'Sanddancing', which is now being produced by Erik Drost and which will be released by Important Records somewhere towards the end of this year. 'White Bike' was supposed to be on there, but both Freek and me thought the somewhat joyeus and naive mood of the song would not entirely fit the CD, and we decided to release it here. Actually there are three tracks on it, the original Freek sung demo, an excerpt from the recording session (the moment when we think of the balloon) and the final version, sung by Eva. 

004 Roel Meelkop - Business As Usual (businesscard CDR)
Let's forget what I said about not doing work by others... still no need to send in your demo, as I won't listen, but I made this exception for my closest musical compadres, and of course Roel Meelkop is the fastest of the lot. I know we got both thrilled when we first bought business card CDrs in Japan in 2001 for the first time, and when I started this little enterprise, his immediate response was: I want it too. So here it is. The usual Meelkopian take on silence. 

003 Freiband - Untitled Drone Work (3" CDR)
That lovely twenty minute piece that was previously released by Twenty Hertz in their 'Drone Works' series, but since it's discontinued, I thought it would be a good idea to do a 'repress', this time on a 3" CDR, with a somewhat different cover (from the same series of photographs actually). 

002 Freiband - Ice Field (3" CDR)
Originally the first four parts were to be released on a compilation by Ideal Records, but after having the piece for two years, they decided they wanted some drone music, which this is not. I added two more parts and now it becomes available again. It's a bit harsher than normally. It is said that the first freiband cd, 'microbes' was my first laptop album - but it was not; it was my last 'analogue' release. 'ice field' reworks the same material as on 'microbes' but now in an entirely digital environment. 

001 Freiband - Spaarzaam (3" CDR)
The reason for starting this little enterprise. A studio version of a piece presented on June 3rd 2007. A short concert with this piece, being a remix of Dagpauwoog, the local sad song trio which stopped their activities. While rehearsing this, I thought it would be a pity not to have some sort of documentation but with the length of seventeen minutes, it would be an oddity to fit on a full length.

