Anla Courtis & BJ Nilsen - Brombron 27: Nijmegen Pulse (CD)
Korm Plastics kp 3057
CD only – 300 copies
Barcode: 753907986792 (not on package)
Korm Plastics is proud to present the twenty-seventh release in the
Brombron series (missing numbers will follow later this year).
Originally a co-production between Staalplaat and Extrapool, it is now
hosted by co-curator Frans de Waard. In the year 2000 Frans de Waard
and Extrapool started the Brombron project. Two or more musicians
become artists in residence in Extrapool, an arts initiative in
Nijmegen, The Netherlands, with a fully equipped sound recording
studio. These artists can work in a certain amount of time on a
collaborative project; a project they always wished to do, but didn't
have the time or the equipment to realize.
Anla Courtis was one a member Reynols and since long travels the seven
seas to play with other people and thus landed finally in Nijmegen to
work with BJ Nilsen, once known as Morthound, then Hazard but for the
longest time now as a composer working with field recordings. They came
when the weather was cold but there was no rain and set out to explore
the small, old and yet beautiful city of Nijmegen in all its aspects -
the river side with its harbour, the shops in the centre, the woman who
plays tambourine and together they worked on the material to create
four pieces of well-planned carefully executed pieces of music,
entirely based on these field recordings. Quietly disturbing music.
Design by Jolijn Ceelen
This CD is sold out from Korm Plastics