Jan Anderzen & Sam Hamilton – Brombron 24: Time Banking
Korm Plastics kp 3053
CD only – 300 copies
Barcode: 753907984514 (not on package)
Korm Plastics is proud to present the twenty-fourth release in the
Brombron series (missing numbers will follow later this year).
Originally a co-production between Staalplaat and Extrapool, it is now
hosted by co-curator Frans de Waard. In the year 2000 Frans de Waard
and Extrapool started the Brombron project. Two or more musicians
become artists in residence in Extrapool, an arts initiative in
Nijmegen, The Netherlands, with a fully equipped sound recording
studio. These artists can work in a certain amount of time on a
collaborative project; a project they always wished to do, but didn't
have the time or the equipment to realize.
Here we have Jan Anderzen from Finland, who works as Tomutonttu and is
the leader of Kemialliset Ystavat. A true artist when it comes to cut,
copy, paste and collage with sound (as well as images), cooking up a
wonderfully naïve pastiche of sound. Sam Hamilton is surely the odd
ball out in the world of New Zealand’s experimental music. He likes
punk, opera, techno and pop and collates them all together in his own
unique blend of pop music. Here’s two men who share a strong love of
the wicked pop tunes and their twelve pieces are short and to the
point. A classic pop record length release, with likewise classic tunes.
Design by Sam Hamilton.
This CD is available for 10 euros including
worldwide shipping. You can pay with paypal. Send an e-mail to order
hear an excerpt
Two new releases in the ongoing Brombron series. The series registrates
the meeting of two artists who in the natural order of things often
would never have worked together were it not for the machinations of
'deus ex machina' Frans de Waard in organising a concert and a week in
the studio for the artists involved to get acquainted with one another
and within this timespan co-create a new edition in the Brombron
series. To start with the release by New Zeelander Sam Hamilton -
releasing music for about seven years now under his own name, besides
creating and organising multi-media events and festivals - and the Fin
Jan Anderzen - one of the key-figures in the finnish musical
underground with his deeply psychedelic musical heritage in amongst
others Kemialisset Ystavat and Tomutonttu, besides being a visual
artist (creating the video's to his music himself as well as the covers
and packaging for his own and other's releases). Immediate points of
contact would be the psychedelic strain that is imbibed within their
music together with a tendency for the ecstatic, as well as a history
in the visual arts. There is definitely a logic in the coupling of both
artists involved, both representing geographically and culturally quite
divergent perspectives on the universal phenomenon of shamanism. Still,
It is not easy to imagine this collaboration to have evolved out of
naturalistic causality, as the resultant work is completely stripped of
anything representing the natural order of things. The music is both a
highly psychedelic affair ñ evoking wool-clad aliens wave-surfing the
reliefs on the bottom of the Baltic Sea - as well as a coherently
structured and balanced work channeling both Baltic and Pacific
currents in harmonious patterns of well curved and warm-blooded
ambiance. It swirls, it beats, it pops, it echoes, it twinkles, it
buzzes - it would make a very long list indeed to describe all the
musical events taking place within even a minimal time span. Were this
collaboration to be described in terms of two entities impacting one
another, this would be a highly viscous affair, with
protuberances from both entities deeply immersing the other's bodies
unto each other's gene-patterns. If this sounds like a description of a
sexual act, this is just coincidental. But even if Darwinism would
never condone it, this is definitely a perfect marriage of two very
distinct and prominent musical voices.