JASON KAHN & STEVE RODEN - BROMBRON 06 SOLD OUT!!! Brombron is an ongoing project by Extrapool and Korm Plastics and in 2004 also with Worm in Rotterdam. Two or more musicians become artists in residence in Extrapool, an arts initiative in Nijmegen, The Netherlands, with a fully equipped sound recording studio. These artists can work in a certain amount of time on a collaborative project; a project they always wished to do, but didn't have the time or the equipment to realize. So far projects have been realized by Antenna Farm/Main, Ekkehard Ehlers/Stephan Mathieu, Jaap Blonk/Radboud Mens, Roel Meelkop/Tore H. Boe and Heimir Bjorgulfsson/Jonas Ohlsson. All of these were released by Staalplaat. The series will be packed in all carton sleeve which are developped and printed in Extrapool's printing studio. Jewel case sized, but without any plastic or glue and most definetly non industry standard. From number six onwards, the Brombron CDs will be released by Korm Plastics, the first one is by Jason Kahn & Steve Roden. In September 2002, Jason Kahn and Steve Roden joined forces in the Extrapool studios. Steve Roden played small acoustic objects, electric guitar, contact microphones and guitar pedals whereas Jason Kahn played minimal percussion, laptop and analogue synthesizer. Their focus on sound is a central factor in this work. Six beautiful pieces of microscopic, precise music - like watching through the looking glass at the smallest particles available. Jason Kahn was born in New York, grew up in Los Angeles, moved to Berlin in 1990. He now lives in Zürich. His audio work is a mix of electronic and acoustic sound sources, produced with minimal percussion, laptop or analogue synthesizer. In recent years he has also created several sound installations, using field recordings and sound waves as concrete forms. He started the label «cut» in 1998. Steve Roden is a visual and sound artist from los angeles. His sound works involve the electronically transformed sounds of acoustic objects, instruments, and field recordings. since 1993 he has released many recordings under his own name as well as 'in be tween noise' on various labels including his own 'new plastic music'. The Brombron releases are packed in all carton sleeve which are developped and printed in Extrapool's printing studio. Jewel case sized, but without any plastic or glue and most definetly non industry standard. Steve Roden: http://www.inbetweennoise.com
(CD by Brombron) Steve Roden & Jason Kahn Steve Roden & Jason Kahn - Shimmer/Flicker/Waver/Quiver
(Brombron06/Korm Plastics) Mit Shimmer/Flicker/Waver/Quiver (brombron
06 / KP 3013), im September 2002 entstandenen Liveeinspielungen
in den Nijmwegener Extrapool Studios, setzt Frans de Waards die
bisher auf Staalplaat erschienene Brombron-Reihe fort. Das Konzept
dabei ähnelt den Fishtank-Sessions von Konkurrent oder der
'Motorlab'-Reihe von Kitchen Motor, nur ohne Zeitdruck. Zwei Künstler
erhalten Studiozeit für eine längst gewünschte
Kollaboration. STEVE RODEN & JASON KAHN realisierten bei ihrer
Begegnung sechs dröhnminimalistische Mikrophonien, die in
der Nähe des Verstärkergrundrauschens auf einem elektronischen
Luftkisseneffekt beben, weben und schweben. Die Atmosphäre
ist eingetaucht in wechselnd getöne Rauschwolken, die vage
an Wind, Regen, einen nahen Fluss erinnern. In diesen Dröhnwellen
pulsiert, bei jedem Track subtil variiert, schwache Rhythmik,
ein rotierendes Knacken, ein 'atmender' Pfeifton, sanftes Gegonge.
Durch 'singend' vibrierende Grundtöne, die fast ein wenig
unangenehm in den Ohren klingeln, tropfen in deutlichem Stereoeffekt
unregelmäßige Blobs und Dingdongs. Unklar, ob hier
alle Klänge elektronisch erzeugt werden oder ob der gelernte
Perkussionist Kahn auch handish operiert. Antwort: "Steven
Roden played small acoustic objects, electric guitar, contact
microphones and guitar pedals wheras Jason Kahn played minimal
percussion, laptop and analogue synthesizer." Das Resultat
zumindest ist nicht sehr unähnlich zu den Soloarbeiten des
New Yorker Perkussionisten oder seinen Repeat-Duos mit Toshimaru
Nakamura auf dem eigenen Cut-Label in Zürich. With Kahn, Roden took up one of the Brombron
residences at Extrapool to create a collaborative disk (shimmer/flicker/waver/quiver,
06, www.kormplastics.com) that comes in the marvellous paper creation,
with a Kahn print on the cover. This is an album of contrasts
the first track has a hissy drone, bubbling, washes over
which high sines and soft echoes ply, gradually increasing density
before dropping to modulating white noise and tones with deep
sounds within. Then the second has an intense rising/falling ringing
sweeping from ear to ear, percussive bass taps and morse signals
& ringling in but it is the tone which dominates before
dropping out for some percussion in the last minute. Track three
reminded me of Harold Budd's broody desert pieces low rumbling,
clicks, hollow bells, soft whispering dust extended over
some time. Then followed by another more intrusive piece, hissing
and resonant gongs, chopped, phased and echoed, bleeps and scapes
in, burring. Next, very minimal white vent noise, pulsing, squeaky
tones in, developing a beat, swirling. Then finally a soft burring
ring, high tone -a forest at night - distant tones, static. A
collaboration that explores new and interesting (intense) ground.
[This is a lovely series, of which I have three (and will seek
out the others), which has brought together some interesting combinations]. STEVE RODEN & JASON KAHN Brombon 06:
Shimmer/FLicker/Waver/Quiver CD (Korm |