13: BOWL, HELICOPTER Korm Plastics is proud to present the thirteenth release in the Brombron series. Originally a co-production between Staalplaat and Extrapool, it is now hosted by co-curator Frans de Waard. In the year 2000 Frans de Waard and Extrapool started the Brombron project. Two or more musicians become artists in residence in Extrapool, an arts initiative in Nijmegen, The Netherlands, with a fully equipped sound recording studio. These artists can work in a certain amount of time on a collaborative project; a project they always wished to do, but didn't have the time or the equipment to realize. Jon Mueller and Martijn Tellinga have started a collaboration to explore the musical dialogue between the instrumentalist and realtime computer-performer. Their mutual interest in the outlining and structuring of improvisation, both in sonic properties and compositional shape, resulted in an ensembled playing that is partly responsive, partly autonomous. During their residency at the Extrapool studio in Nijmegen, Netherlands december 2005. During this residency they experimented with a system that consisted of live-sampling and processing of Jon's playing, on top of a layer of pre-recorded soundmaterials taken from a previous session. Crucial to this system, was that the actual triggering of the samples and processing in the computer during performance was also caused by that same playing; i.e., while Jon was improvising he not only provided new sonic material for recording, but also triggered previously recorded events. The realtime manipulation and transformation of these events was done by Martijn following that same structural order. This experimental system was developed to get to a musical body that can either blend into one (percussion and computer) or exist as two entities that function in an autonomous way (bypassing the triggering and playing the computer as a stand-alone instrument, using the same set of soundmaterials) and perform by listening and responding to each others input. This can be seen as an attempt to get beyond the many electro-instrumental collaborations where the computer-performer seems to function as a huge effect-processor of the instrumental input, and by doing that, reduces the instrumentalist to a soundsource for realtime processing. Jon Mueller has been an active drummer and percussionist since the early 90s. Whether utilizing bombastic minimalism, dense interplay, or electroacoustic practices, his approach focuses on a physical dialog between situation and material. He has been featured on numerous recordings and has performed throughout the U.S., Japan, and The Netherlands. He has performed/recorded with: Aranos, Keith Berry, Jarboe, Tetuzi Akiyama, Jason Kahn, Asmus Tietchens, Jack Wright, Carol Genetti, Collections of Colonies of Bees, Tatsuya Nakatani, Hal Rammel, Steve Nelson-Raney, Jim Schoenecker, Bhob Rainey, Glenn Kotche, Pele, Steven Hess, Werner Moebius, Lionel Marchetti, Adam Sonderberg, Tim Catlin, Matt Turner, Achim Wollscheid, Fred Lonberg-Holm's Lightbox Orchestra and others. Martijn Tellinga (1974, Netherlands) is
a composer and sound-artist in the field of In the past years his work has been performed and exhibited at numerous occasions in the Netherlands and international festivals in Belgium, France, Germany, Finland, UK, Austria, Swiss, Italy, Portugal, Greece and USA. Works have been commisioned by labels such as Korm Plastics - (Hol), Spekk - (Japan), - Cronica Electronica - (Portugal) and Stichting Mixer - (Hol). Tellinga has collaborated with several filmmakers, video-artists and autonome artists, providing soundtracks for animated and short films and developing installation-like media environments. He has worked with a.o. Finnish filmmaker and journalist Sami Kallinen, autonome artists Jan Robert Leegte and Sagi Groner and is currently developing an integrated audio-visual performance with Austrian video-artist Dextro. His ongoing project 'Boca Raton' particularly deals with the synthesis between concrete unstaged- sound and synthetic sonorities. As it has never shown any steady state what-so-ever, the project develops over time according to the composer's ideas and capacities, within the flexibalised margins of this field of interest. Together with Dutch composers Radboud Mens and Danny de Graan he forms 'Elmgar Ten', building soundinstalltions functioning as performance-tools. Furthermore he has recently started an electro-instrumental collaboration with percussionist Jon Mueller, to explore the musical dialogue between the instrumentalist and realtime computer-instruments. In 1999 he started the platform for contemporary electro-acoustic music Stichting Mixer, having organised numerous events and released over 25 titles today. Finally, he is programmer for the Dutch new music radiostation 'De Concertzender', being one of the 4 programmers for '230 Volt', a weekly program focussing on historic and contemporary electro-acoustic music. This CD is available for 16 euros including worldwide shipping. You can pay with paypal. Send an e-mail to order